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tarting with the Harry Potter theory of gamification, Angie and Elizabeth dive into the ways that attaching story—including costumes, pets, and props as well as wins and losses—to learning motivates students, much as story drives characters and readers. Growth is what excites people, not grades, and gamification builds resilience and perseverance—the kinds of heroic qualities we seek in our heroes. This leads into ties to want v. need and the important strengths and understanding them, and the ways people are designed to struggle and removing struggle removes people’s sense of self-mastery. And then, because everyone’s abuzz with the primary, they touch on politics as story, too.

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Story Makers is a podcast that features in-depth conversations with accomplished writers, filmmakers and industry experts about story craft, technique, habit and survival–everything you need to know to stay inspired, connect to your creativity, find others’ wonderful stories and your own success.

The hosts:

Elizabeth Stark is a published, agented novelist and distributed filmmaker who teaches and mentors writers at

Angie Powers is a distributed filmmaker and published short story writer with an MFA in creative writing and a certificate in screenwriting from UCLA who teaches story structure at