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In today’s podcast Angie and Elizabeth discuss how the quality of writing is not as markedly varied as our emotions tell us. This came up because Elizabeth is currently retyping her novel, something she has never done before and adores, and during the process she found a section that sounded awkward as she wrote it. After letting the “problematic” section sit for a few days, she read it aloud to Angie and they both found it better than Elizabeth had felt while writing it. There is always a difference between how you feel when you write it, and how it is when you read it. And just like any other work, there will be moments that writing doesn’t feel as pleasant, but you buckle up and keep driving forward.

My Absolute Darling by Gabriel Tallent

A Visit From the Goon Squad by Jennifer Egan

The Keep by Jennifer Egan

Story Makers is a podcast that features in-depth conversations with accomplished writers, filmmakers and industry experts about story craft, technique, habit and survival–everything you need to know to stay inspired, connect to your creativity, find others’ wonderful stories and your own success.

The hosts:

Elizabeth Stark is a published, agented novelist and distributed filmmaker who teaches and mentors writers at

Angie Powers is a distributed filmmaker and published short story writer with an MFA in creative writing and a certificate in screenwriting from UCLA who teaches story structure at