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What of the storyteller who stands before a live audience, to entrance, to entertain, to warn, to engage? What can we learn from the most ancient form of story making? Today we talk with acclaimed storyteller–and former psychotherapist–Hari Meyers about the art, archetypes and activism of the storyteller. In his latest project, Hari is resurrecting the reference for the goddess Isis away from the terrorist organization. We dig into archetypal understandings of character and mythical structure, the ways to tell psychological propaganda from a particular time versus deeper internal question in a story, and the necessity of exhausting a character’s flaws as you move toward empathy. The thrill of live theater, the amplification provided by a large audience, the purposes of story and even the failings of Freud as storyteller come under our examination in this far ranging conversation that gets to the ur-art under all story making: live myth telling.

Links Discussed:

From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler

Oedipus in Colonus

The Epic Gilgamesh

The Iliad and the Odyssey

The Great Gatsby

The First Bad Man

The 12 Labors of Hercules

Science of the Magical

The Mahabharata

Of Isis and Osiris

Joseph Campbell

King David and the story of David and Goliath

Medea the play 

Oedipus by Sophocles

Clarence Fountain and the Five Blind Boys of Alabama/ The Gospel at Colonus 

Johan Sebastian Bach

Walt Whitman

Tony Zhou video essays


Hari Meyers

Hari Meyers


Story Makers is a podcast that features in-depth conversations with accomplished writers, filmmakers and industry experts about story craft, technique, habit and survival–everything you need to know to stay inspired, connect to your creativity, find others’ wonderful stories and your own success.

The hosts:

Elizabeth Stark is a published, agented novelist and distributed filmmaker who teaches and mentors writers at

Angie Powers is a distributed filmmaker and published short story writer with an MFA in creative writing and a certificate in screenwriting from UCLA who teaches story structure at